Tuesday, March 18, 2008

IV (Godsmack)
This Album is creative, just like all of their other albums. As a band, their not unplugged music is striving closer and closer to metal. Every piece of music on this album has a metallic feel, yet the lyrics aren’t yelling into the microphone. The names of their songs seem to also be repeated over and over in the chorus of each song.
The album starts out with Livin’ In Sin, started out slow. It began with voices of children praying to god. It then begins with a simple rhythm on the guitar. Followed by a quit voice singing, after about two lines, the volume over all raises, the drops.
Speak, is another great song. ‘speak the truth or make your piece some other way’. It has a couple great guitar solos, and very repetitive lyrics. ‘Speak to me, speak the truth’.
Enemy, is probably my favorite song off of the album. This song doesn’t have very repetitive lyrics. It has the best starting line ever: ‘Hey! Oh, Mr. backstabbing son of a bitch.’ I like this song because it is something I would expect from the same band that has done ‘voodoo’.
Shine Down, starts out with a harmonica. Which startled me the first time I saw it, it was unexpected by most bands I listen to – this is one I don’t think I ever would have thought of Godsmack as a band that would even own a harmonica. The only thing I don’t like about this song is the lyrics. They could really use some work here. Its repetitive, and when it isn’t I can barely understand it.
Hollow, is a song that they will put on an unplugged album, if they haven’t already. It is a quieter more melodic song than almost every other song on the album. ‘if I could do it all one more time/I wouldn’t change a thing’. They also have a higher voice repeating some of the lyrics in an echo. This was a great choice because it gives you a hollow feeling.
No rest for the wicked, is like something out of punk rock. They all play really loud, then silence themselves for a line ‘NO REST FOR THE WICKED’.
Bleeding me, starts out with an awesome riff on the guitar. But then the drums start playing, and it just goes down hill from there. The lyrics and the guitar seem to be the only thing in this song that redeems the rest. For the most part, it stays at the same volume and the same tempo for the entire song.
Voodoo Too is the song the originally made me download this album onto my Ipod. I had heard Voodoo (the first), and thought it was really good. This song is totally different. Voodoo had three lines repeated. While this one, almost none of the lines repeat. It starts where the end of the first left off ‘… I’m not the one that’s so far away’. This one is about being drawn to a place full of voodoo. ‘Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a fallen sky?’. There is more guitar and drums in Voodoo too, then in Voodoo.
Temptation is the other main song that has METAL written all over it. It has a guitar solo starting out, then after it… “OOH SHIT”. ‘Now it takes what it takes, and lets the feelin' suffocate. It's nothing new it'll get its way’ It keeps on describing temptation as evil.
Mama is a song talking directly to their ‘mother’. This is not my favorite song on the album. But I will listen to it if it starts to play because of shuffle.
One Rainy Day is my least favorite song on this album. I don’t think I have even listened to it once through. It is just that bad.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQtWj_n2dJk (Voodoo Too)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xS0bJ1_7x00 (The Enemy)


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